Friday 28 February 2014

You Are Registered for the Business Growth Workshop

Message From JT Foxx & Confirmation Info

Dear Servias,

My name is JT Foxx. You may or may not know me. I am 33 years old and widely regarded as the World’s #1 Wealth Coach and Speaker. I own over 50 companies and brands, I have done over 500 real estate deals, I do business in 9 countries, and I have been on syndicated radio in many markets for 7 years. I’ve even appeared and been profiled on CNBC and Forbes Magazine.

Who Cares, What’s in It for You?

My accomplishments are irrelevant. It’s all about what I can do for you. My business model is simple. I am not one of the “gurus” who make money by selling books and tapes. My business model is powered by your success. I make money when you become successful. The more successful you are, the more successful I am as well.

What Now?

Below is the official confirmation information for the event you signed up for a few minutes ago. All I ask is that since you signed up, you show up.
80% of success is showing up. I can’t help you unless you take action. Over the next few days, you will be getting a series of free training emails to prepare you for what I guarantee will be one of the greatest turning points in your business life.
Event Details


Location: Coming Soon


Saturday, March 15th starts at 9 am 
(Registration begins at 8:00 am) 
Sunday, March 16th starts at 8 am 
(Registration begins at 7:00 am)

JT Foxx
World’s #1 Wealth Coach
Serial Entrepreneur
Real Estate Investor

P.S. This is not going to be a sell-a-thon of speakers! We strongly advise you to bring your spouse along because having them on board when building your blueprint for the future is an important part of the process.

P.P.S. Please spread the word about this event. You can invite as many guests as you wish! The more people we help, the stronger community we create in the end. Be on the lookout for future training emails. 

















































 Update your profile
8595 College Parkway #350 Fort Myers, Florida 33919 United States (877) 272-3031

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