There has been a need for bright projectors that are capable of producing larger images in the market. This is why Epson has rolled out a series of high-lumen projectors ranging from those used in brightly lit boardrooms to image and pattern projections in malls and on items such as cars and exhibitions.

The following affords a glimpse into some of the technology that allowed us to achieve both high resolution at high brightness.

The pixels on an HTPS panel are surrounded by a light-blocking black matrix.

Epson's projectors are the high-temperature polysilicon thin-film transistor panels (HTPS panels) . Light from a lamp passes through the three HTPS panels and converges on a screen to form an image. The resolution of the image is determined by the number of pixels on the panels.

HTPS panels have a light-blocking layer called a black matrix that surrounds each of the individual picture elements (pixels) on the panel. Given panels of equal size but different pixel counts, the panel with more pixels will be darker because the black matrix will occupy a proportionately larger area. In other words, the more pixels you squeeze onto a panel, the less light the panel will transmit.

This tradeoff between pixel count and brightness makes it difficult to increase panel resolution while maintaining brightness unless you increase the size of the panel. Epson was unable to reach 10,000 lumens of brightness on the 0.94-inch WUXGA panels we had been using.


Hybrid cooling system

Projectors have to be cooled on the inside because the intense light produced by the lamps generate heat. Ordinary projectors are cooled with a fan, but the projectors in the EB-Z10000U series needed a hybrid air-and-liquid cooling system to handle the heat generated by their high-output lamps.

Epson has had models in the past that used a hybrid cooling system, but the system used in this series is even more powerful. Cooling efficiency was optimized by increasing the number of peltier elements (semiconductor devices used for cooling) in the cooling system from one to two and by increasing the size of the heat sink to raise the heat dissipation capacity.

The improved performance of the liquid cooling system allowed us to reduce the speed of the cooling fan and reduce fan noise, thus adding value.

High-brightness projectors are ideal for large, well-lit venues.

Going forward, Epson is committed to further innovative developments that will exceed the expectations of customers around the world.