Sunday 2 March 2014

Why I Won't Let You Fail--Here Is Your 2014 Plan (Part 1 of 3)

Why I Won’t Let You Fail — Here Is Your 2014 Plan (Part 1 of 3) 

Hello Servias, 

I am very excited that you signed up for the Business Growth Workshop. As promised, before you even get to the event I want to start building your blueprint for 2014. 

Over 87% of businesses, start-ups, or people who plan on starting a business as of today have no strategic growth blueprint plan. 

My research on what holds people back is summarized in the points below. 

1) Economic Fears 
2) Lack of Branding 
3) No Marketing Plan 
4) No Passive Income Plan 
5) Lack of Focus 
6) Lack of Capital 
7) No Accountability 

These factors stop NOW. I am going to personally help you by sharing my plans that I already have underway as of this morning. 

These are the actions that I focus on to help you achieve success. 

Focus Trend #1 
Strategic Turnover Model: “24/7 Passive Income” 

The more I work in my business, the lower my profits become. I also end up hating what I am doing. The key is to hedge and diversify enough so that when the market changes, my eggs are not all in one basket. I will show you how to find deals and opportunities like I do. You can find ones that are passive, but also a natural extension and complement to what you are doing rather than a disruption. The key is to then work on the business with the right people in place to help you. You come up with ideas that your reliable team puts into action. 

Focus Trend #2 
It’s All about Growth: “Join the Party” 

I strongly believe that everyone who knows what they are doing will experience record growth. My evidence for this is the recent world economic growth data. 

The theme at Mega Partnering 8 was growth. Mega Partnering Africa 2 brought billionaires who shared their own growth strategies. I expect a breakout financial year for many of you from everything that you will learn. The key to growth is to focus on activities that generate revenue and grow companies rather than just using transactional ones. This idea helps you create a culture of growth and become a master at time management because every second counts in 2014. 

Focus on what you are great at and delegate the rest. 

Focus Trend #3 
The Big Game: “Go Big or Go Home” 

My coach uses a great analogy when he explains business growth to me. There are two types of opportunities, chasing rabbits or hunting elephants. Rabbits are little deals that make you money, but they never really allow you to achieve that huge wealth payoff. Hunting elephants means going after the big deals, the deals that may take a little longer and involve more planning and details. These deals will result in a huge wealth payoff at the end.

Be careful with this strategy.


Do NOT put all of your eggs in one basket. If you do, you will find yourself empty-handed. We all have little rabbits, but all of us leave with at least one HUGE ELEPHANT. We leave with the type of deal or opportunity that will change your life and business forever. 

In my next email to you, I will go over part 2 of the plan. 

All I ask is that you show up. If you want to truly live the life you want and deserve, you need to show up. Since you signed up, you can’t bail on me. 

Those who show up change their lives. 
Those who fail to show have lives that never change. 

Be on the lookout for my part 2 email in the coming days. 

JT Foxx 
World’s # 1 Wealth Coach 
Serial Entrepreneur 
Real Estate Investor 

P.S. I have included the details of the event below again. Remember to bring your spouse! If they are not supportive, they will be after this. 

If you plan on working on this together, that will also be very important to the process. 

The Indaba Hotel and Conference Centre
2021 William Nicol Drive
Fourways, Johannesburg
Saturday, March 15th starts at 9 am 
(Registration begins at 8:00 am) 
Sunday, March 16th starts at 8 am 
(Registration begins at 7:00 am)

















































 Update your profile
8595 College Parkway #350 Fort Myers, Florida 33919 United States (877) 272-3031

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