Friday 14 March 2014

Your 2014 Blueprint--No Excuses Allowed! (Part 3 of 3)

Your 2014 Blueprint--No Excuses Allowed! (Part 3 of 3)





Did you read part 2 of your 2014 blueprint? I hope you did because it offered a ton of great content. As promised, here is the last part of these pre-event training emails.

Wait, There’s More!

This email is just a glimpse of what I offer at my events.

If you like these emails, you will be absolutely WOWed at the event.


Let’s continue our look at Focus Trends to get you prepped before the workshop.


Focus Trend # 7: Who are you? Why should I care?


Even though the economy is growing, people have grown more skeptical than ever before. Branding will alleviate some of those fears, but that is not enough. People buy people, not stocks, businesses, or opportunities. They want to connect; they want to look into your eye knowing that you will not pull a Madoff on them and take away all their life savings. We are hiring a person in our office whose only job is to call random clients, chat them up, and find out anyway we can help them even though they might have not asked for help.


I think random acts of kindness are huge WOWs. WOWs get people talking. A few days ago I received a huge Un-Wow from the Caesars Palace Qua Spa. To make a long story short,  they turned me down and told me they could refuse service to anyone. Now I am telling over 60K people about my experience, and I will never go to that spa or hotel. One ignorant un-wow can go a long way to cost a business lots of money. I am pretty sure I am going to receive an email from them now that they know who I am.


So the question is what kind of un-wows are costing you business?

In business, it’s the little details that count.


Focus Trend # 8: Fire some of your clients.


Pain in the ass clients who pay good money may in the long run end up costing you more money because how much time they take. There are clients that no matter how much they pay you are simply not worth it. The emotional toll they take on you is simply not worth it as life is too short. For many years I hung on to these people, now we will simply tell them we have become too exclusive and we are not the right fit. The same people will complain no matter what you do. My coach has been telling me for years to do this, but like many you are always scared of the lost income. We actually did the math on the hours we spent on these people and realized that it is costing us money because of lost opportunity. We have now created a grading scale for our clients so we can focus our time on our best clients who power us through their success.


Focus Trend # 9: Less Excuses


The less excuses you have, the more successful you will become. Since yesterday in our offices we have adopted a zero excuse policy. It seems that once you create a culture of excuses, it’s easier for people to give up and wait for you to deal with it. We are creating an organization of problem solvers and solution finders now. You can’t go to any managers, the CEO, or myself unless you first tried to solve the problem yourself. We are not babysitters.


This same rule applies to our students.


If you don’t show up to our 2014 World Tour Plan even though you signed up or you come up with all the excuses why you were unable to attend, then 2014 will be no different than 2013. Remember that how you change is how you succeed. The choices you make determine the reality of your outcome. I almost quit speaking in 2013 because I got so tired about all the excuses I was hearing from my clients. I want to help them so badly, and my business depends on their success. If you don’t show, there is nothing I can do to help you.


So come see my team live and let me personally ensure that your 2014 is the best year ever.

Now that you have the focus trends, we all need to roll our sleeves up.


The first quarter of 2014 will dictate what the next 5 years will hold for you. If you don’t take action 5 years from now, you will be sitting in the exact spot you are sitting now except for the people you meet and the books you read.


Disrupt the normal and join me in creating an entrepreneurial revolution that will forever change how we do business.


Stop thinking of excuses and start making plans TODAY by showing up to the event!!!


JT Foxx

World’s #1 Wealth Coach

Serial Entrepreneur

Real Estate Investor


P.S.  Event Details Below 

The Indaba Hotel and Conference Centre
2021 William Nicol Drive
Fourways, Johannesburg

Saturday, March 15th starts at 9 am 
(Registration begins at 8:00 am) 
Sunday, March 16th starts at 8 am 
(Registration begins at 7:00 am)





















































 Update your profile
8595 College Parkway #350 Fort Myers, Florida 33919 United States (877) 272-3031

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