Monday 10 March 2014

Your 2014 Plan (Part 2 of 3)

Your 2014 Plan (Part 2 of 3)


As promised, here is part 2 of your blueprint plan. This time, I will explain in more detail about what to expect at the event you are attending. I will also continue to explain your blueprint in detail.

On top of that, I am giving you a preview of what my team will be teaching.

Focus Trend #4: If you don’t change, you will disappear.

You either live in an ocean of sameness or a lake of differentiation. Either way, the difference between success and failure in 2014 will be branding. How branded you are will determine how much you can charge for your product or service. If your clients expect you to do all the work, that means they don’t respect you. Not only will I make them respect you, but I will have them begging to do business with you.
Does this sound naive to you?
It’s not. There is literally a waiting list for people to buy my products and services in many of the companies and brands I own. Without branding, none of this would be possible. Ironically, two of the biggest branding tools I have used in 2013 were Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jack Welch from Mega Partnering. They have opened a lot of doors and meetings because it became a conversation starter. In 2014, what do you think a picture with Al Pacino at Mega Partnering 9 will do for your brand? I can hardly wait. Remember the simple motto below.

The simpler the branding, the easier it is for people to understand.

People don’t buy what they find to be complicated. They definitely will not make a quick decision to buy on the spot if it’s complicated. You want your client to make a quick buying decision because the more people have to think about it, the less deals are done. The potential buyer ends up experiencing paralysis by analysis.

Focus Trend #5: CEO Marketing

This is probably going to be the game changer for many businesses in 2014. Most of you delegate your marketing to someone else, pay them a lot of money, and experience zero to little results. This will fail for several reasons. These marketers do not understand your business or vision like you do. It’s wild to expect that they will come up with something that will be a game changer for your company.

        You need to become a CEO marketer.

Whatever vision you have for your business, it must be a mirror image when it comes to your marketing. Marketing shouldn’t cost you money. It should make you money. This is called the 3x formula. If you spend $1 on marketing, you should make $3 back. Right now, we are averaging $11.

Focus Trend # 6: Facts, Numbers, and Statistics

Banish the phrases “guessing,” “I think,” “I hope,” and “I believe” from your vocabulary. You need to manage by statistics instead of gut feelings.

Gut feelings are used to make decisions, not run businesses.

We are now tracking everything. My team will teach you how to create a 1 page report that you will be able to use to run any business from anywhere in the world. Only by knowing your numbers can you effectively scale your business and know where to invest, cut back, or double down. I don’t care whether you have no one working for you or 100 employees. The fundamentals simply don’t change either way.

I hope you are excited because this training I am putting together is not only strategic, but it includes a lot of transformational ideas in 2014. I own 50 companies and brands, I’ve done over 500 real estate deals, and I’m considered the world’s #1 wealth coach. I know a thing or two on how to make money in today’s market. I will take that knowledge and my ideas and my team will share them with you.
JT Foxx
World’s # 1 Wealth Coach
Serial Entrepreneur
Real Estate Investor

The Indaba Hotel and Conference Centre
2021 William Nicol Drive
Fourways, Johannesburg

Saturday, March 15th starts at 9 am 
(Registration begins at 8:00 am) 
Sunday, March 16th starts at 8 am 
(Registration begins at 7:00 am)

















































 Update your profile
8595 College Parkway #350 Fort Myers, Florida 33919 United States (877) 272-3031

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