Companies offering services and products provide customer care services for clients to access assistance on any issues or clarification needed on the commodities. We all have experiences with these channels at one point or the other. Some are good and some terribly bad. It is okay to make mistakes as a company but it is not all times that your clients will excuse you.

Customer care is the heart of all successful companies. It can help you develop a loyal customer base and improve relationships with your customers. This is why companies need to invest more on the departments to build on good customer base. Here is a lineup of companies that have the poorest customer care services.

Kenya Power and Lighting Company

KPLC is a common term amongst Kenyans you don't have to explain much. Each time the bulb goes off in your house or office due to blackout, KPLC is the first thought on anyone's mind. Their customer care is as bad as their power provision. Word from multiple customers is that their response is bogus to say the least. In a scenario your power goes off thanks to them, an immediate call is always followed by the same response over and over; 'We have a personnel already on the ground rectifying the disconnection' how do you already have a person working on a fault I am just reporting to you? Is it a calculated blackout? Of course not. On a light note, I came across a page on Facebook dubbed Kenya Paraffin and Lighting Candles which is exactly how people perceive the lighting company thanks to poor services and customer care. Referring customers to other persons in the company since they cannot be able to solve a fault themselves is the other problem the company has. The sorry part is at the end of a chain of people they finally disconnect you without providing a solution and since this is a monopoly market, you have to keep calling the same telephone line.


kplc screen shot

Easy Taxi

In case you are not aware of this company, Easy Taxi is a platform app that allows users to book a taxi and track it in real time. The same iOS,Android, or Windows Phone app can be used in all places in which the partner taxis operate. My problem on this one is not probably the usual customer care calls we make but the customer care service that I have experienced severally which is coupon issuance. I understand coupons are given to keep customers at bay and also as a complementary of services. With Easy Taxi, I definitely have to differ with motive behind coupons.

For better understanding to those who have not received these coupons, the company gives for instance a 300ksh one which has a code and place of issuance which you are supposed to present to partner taxis, if your bill is higher than the coupon worth, you top up the rest in cash. I have had instances where I have received a coupon without a code which is not once or twice which beats the point of issuing this to customers but the most common case is rejection by taxi drivers who claim delay of money, difficulties in retrieving the money from the company and other inconveniences best known to them but at the end of the day, you cannot use the coupons which means you have to pay for your taxi in cash and that makes the coupons useless. I just don't see the point of issuance if clients can't use them. maybe we should just stick to using the app for taxi order only.


I have had many complains of faultiness with the online shopping platform ranging from misleading customer care personnel to delayed or no delivery of goods even after completing an order. I happen to experience search problems on their platforms where I am searching for say hair extensions and what I get is completely different from what I searched. That is probably not a customer care problem but one that is important for the system managers to know and rectify. Delivery delay is one that is consistent with the platform making customers opt for other platforms to save themselves from the hustle of having to remind them of an order.

Dear jumia, please don't post offers on your social media pages and official website that are not applicable. It is disappointing to make an order that we eventually have to cancel because it was an error on your side. It cannot be more than once please rectify.

Pesa Point

The platform established through financial institutions is meant to provide Kenyans easy access to their funds wherever and whenever they require it by providing convenient ATM locations countrywide. This is an outlet you will walk into if you have heard enough of M-Pesa agents (at least on my case) a personal incident on this one would be when I made a transaction and did not have my money dispensed on withdrawal (I frequently experience this). I then called the customer care service lines which were not only out of service but the one that went through was also not being picked. That is outrageous. Why would you have call lines that are not functional? That is just the beginning of customer care crisis. The fact that I do not get to talk to any person on your end is satisfying to say your customer care services are not up to standard.

Family Bank

This was in a recent post I did. The bank has to appear on this list because I am still not pleased by their customer care services. The fact that a bank would use letters to communicate in this time and age which is however an assumption I am making since a personnel from the bank once told me communication between them and Safaricom a partner on mobile banking would take a month in a quest to reverse a transaction. Why would I not think they are using letters? My experience with the bank just shows how much they do not care for customers. Makes me wonder what they care for.

Yes, i stated TOP TEN companies, keep tabs on to know the other five companies with poor customer care services.