International women's day is celebrated widely across continents in appreciation of the girl child and the mother of today. Intel corporation marked the day by donating 30 computers worth KES 1,500,000 through its program Intel® She Will Connect where it hosted over 100 girls from various secondary schools in an ICT Fair during the Day celebrations at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development that saw winners walk away with tablets and laptops for their schools.

Speaking at the event, Mark Matunga Intel's Head of Corporate Affairs in East Africa said, "There are relatively few girls pursuing studies in Science, Technology and Maths (STEM) subjects needed to gain the skills for careers in technology and engineering. Intel initiated the ICT clubs to inspire girls to pursue studies and careers in STEM."

According to Mr. Matunga, the program emphasizes problem-solving in real world issues because educating girls and also showing them how technology can help resolve these issues, has an important multiplier effect—expanding opportunities for families, communities and nation.

Through this initiative, Intel aims to reduce the Internet gender gap around the world, through an innovative combination of digital literacy training, an online peer network, and gender-relevant content. As it stands, there are 25% fewer women than men online. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the size of the gap is 43%, the largest in regions studied.

Intel recently certified 400 women from The League of Kenyan Women Voters, in collaboration with the Ministry of Devolution and Planning through the program she will connect launched in Africa in 2014 with an aim of training 2,000 young women in digital literacy skills in the year alone through Pasha Centers in a number of counties.

The move is inspired by the fact that women reinvest 90 percent of their income to their communities.  The Corporation aims at empowering Kenyan women through improved technology access to turn spur economic growth for Kenya as a whole. They also aim at providing skills and resources needed to empower women to get and stay online safely.