iHub, Nairobi's Innovation Hub for the technology community, held its 5th Anniversary Party at Nairobi Arboretum. During the event, leaders in the country's tech space were given an opportunity to share with tech lovers on their contribution on tech development in the country. Amongst those who spoke was OLX Kenya Managing Director Mr. Peter Ndiang'ui.


In his speech Mr. Ndiang'ui announced that OLX will be offering jobs to a number of tech developers, a recruitment drive that the online classified giant will undertake soon. He also reiterated the involvement OLX has with the tech community, in which he said OLX is geared to partner with other players in the technology space for the benefit of the community at large.


After his speech, I was privileged to have an interview with him in regards to the progress OLX has had in linking buyers and sellers and if OLX is considering to diverse to other e-commerce platforms. This is how the interview went:



I have listened to your speech with interest and I am wondering; is OLX venturing into other ICT or online platform solutions other than your core business of linking buyers and sellers hence the need to hire tech developers?


Mr. Ndiang'ui

No OLX is still focused in providing the buyers and sellers a platform to link up and do their business. We shall remain an online classified. The tech developers we will be hiring will be mandated to develop and maintain OLX buy-sell platform and systems; basically platforms like our mobile and web applications, the OLX data bases, looking at our listings, and number of day to day activities of ensuring the security, efficiency, and smooth running of OLX systems.



You've talked about partnering with other tech solution providers. What is the nature of these partnerships?


Mr. Ndiang'ui

OLX is in the technology space and in this space it is important to work closely with others to improve the livelihood of Kenyans. If there is a great tech solution provider, say for instance those interested in easily linking up Kenyans to taxi services, then OLX is open to partner with them to improve the lives of Kenyans.



About a year ago we had a meeting and in that meeting you said OLX will introduce service charge to either buyers or sellers on OLX. Is the plan still alive?


Mr. Ndiagu'i

Oh yes. OLX will introduce some small fees to users on OLX platform





Mr. Ndiangu'i

Soon, but I can't speak of the timeline right now.



Thanks for your time. Do you have any last word to our readers?


Mr. Ngiangu'i

I wish you readers, especially the ladies, to have a wonderful women's day.