So I thought Nokia had signed up for extinct after the great Microsoft-Nokia phase off.  The finnish company is not about to succumb to Microsoft fever and this time round, Nokia comes in flying a different flag. It might be a set-top box running Android Tv, it is definitely not a smartphone at least until the end of 2016 we won't be expecting any. It is just a black box.

black box

Well, the launch is as soon as today at the Slush event.  This comes after the company tweeted last evening on the anticipated device. The excitement and anticipation is definitely there for users coming from the brand farewell to a device launch. Nokia tripped on smartphone roll outs when it acquired Apple's norm of selling lifestyle to their customers and not specs  at costly prices with the thought that lifestyle customers are loyal than spec hunters .

This however, followed its downfall which saw Microsoft take over and shift direction with the Lumia devices that are now affordable and user friendly with practical built in specs. The upcoming device is expected to be Nokia's game changer and flagship line for that matter until it can return to smartphones in the near future. Meanwhile, having other Nokia devices but smartphones is strategy to remain relevant.