How possible is it every time you drop your head to text a tangible chunk of years is cut out off your life expectancy? The answer is probably possible but the seriousness of the matter has never hit you so hard and really, a second's activity cannot have that great an effect right?

Well, in an era where smartphones have recorded a huge usability and now a must have gadget almost a requirement to live for many,  texting and internet usage is no longer a teen-thing we have all gotten to the danger bracket.  Yes, hyper-gadget use will be the death of most of us and this is well known to many but what we probably don't know is that it begins with an activity as easy as texting.  The level at which your life is at risk is unbelievable.

Sleeping with your phone

Today bedtime has been converted  to be the day's sum-up time and actually there is nothing wrong with that  because everyone is up for that geek feel even though you are checking out social media posts and all the irrelevant stuff that come with the internet. May it be replying to mails, closing deals online or even getting in touch with family and friends that is not reason enough to jeopardize your health.

It must be fun and exciting keeping tabs on current affairs, listen to music, and at the same time chat with friends lying in bed and more so with your lights switched off. It sure feels nice but do you ever think for a moment how much damage that causes to your health?  Here are some of the possible damages you never thought of;


Waking up to a blaze

Yes, I mean fire. Who thought you could wake up to fire caused by your phone just by sleeping next to it? Well, I thought so. If you are keen with gadgets once purchased, the manual warns against a lot of things that we maybe find petty and obvious to always point out to have the manual stay relevant. Get it right from me; your ignorance will be the death of you even before your gadget is. When a manufacturer warns against use of incompatible cell phone batteries and chargers and also notes that there's a risk of a fire if the gadget is covered by bedding or other thick material, be sure they are not bluffing.


The most probable reason of taking your phone or computer to bed with you is to kill time until you can fall asleep. Well, thanks for playing a big joke on yourself. Gadgets with LED screens which vary from phones, tablets, computers and TVs produce a blue light one that can inhibit the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin hence lack of sleep. Your brain in this case does not register time to sleep which is the definite reason that makes you stay awake for too long. So, the next time you seem not to get yourself to slumber, your phone owes you. However, many may argue and justify how dizzy they get and sleep off holding their phones or even amid a chat. That does not prove the fact that the blue light interferes wrong. It is a whole new theory blamed on electromagnetic energy from sources such as mobiles or wi-fi. It is not good for your health either.

High risk of cancer

Back to electromagnetic radiation. However, this is not proven but there are high chances  that the omission of the electromagnetic waves which are synchronized oscillations of electric and magnetic fields that propagate at the speed of light are hazardous. Chances of cancer mostly come in if there is an electro-magnetic field involved which in this case could apply if your gadget is plugged into the mains. This could be giving a more intense field. Enough of the scientific doctrines; remember not to provide the platform for cancer risks by charging your phone and also sleeping next to it.

Other dangers
you might not know but texting  a lot compromises your posture in a way you would not know. This is why; the hunching posture adopted by phone or tablet users can cause breathing problems, leading to cardiovascular issues later in life and a higher risk of death in older age.
Forward leaning postures that people use while texting, going online, sending emails and playing video games is associated with pulmonary disease and cardiovascular problems.

We are now talking your heart. Once you drop your head to text, it is harder to take a full breath because of the restriction to their muscles. Also, the ribs cannot move properly so the heart and lungs cannot function to their full effectiveness. This might go unnoticed to many and may not seem as serious to your future health.

On a lighter note, too much texting also has a lot of implications on your conversations and too much of texting makes it hard for you to sustain one on one conversation. Many people today suffer from lack of non-verbal cues and gestures that help conversation flow in face-to-face meetings.