"Intel she will connect programme" has recently certified 400 women from The League of Kenyan Women Voters, in collaboration with the Ministry of Devolution and Planning.

The League of Kenyan Women voters is a non-partisan member organization that aims at  providing a forum through which women can take part in national decision making processes and in leadership. It also acts as a medium where women can freely exchange views and ideas with the aim of encouraging their participation in leadership irrespective of their background and political orientation.

The Intel She Will Connect program was launched in Africa in 2014. In Kenya, the programme aims to train 2,000 young women in digital literacy skills by the end of the year through Pasha Centres in a number of counties. It is already live at 35 Pasha Centres in 27 counties.

Despite women doing 60 percent of the world's work and producing 50 percent of the world's food, they only make 10 percent of the world's income and own 1 percent of  the world's assets. Additionally, women reinvest 90 percent of their income to their communities.  Intel aims at empowering Kenyan women through improved technology access to turn spur economic growth for Kenya as a whole. They also aim at providing skills and resources needed to empower women to get and stay online safely.

For the She Will Connect programme in Kenya, Intel is collaborating with the Kenya ICT Authority, The Rockefeller Foundation, USAID, Safari Connect and The Youth Banner - a Pasha Business Development Consultant for the ICT Authority. At the end of the training, the women and the girls will have a chance to start their own businesses or be employed.