In the present social media era, I would expect buttons used on social media platforms are no longer a problem for users. Facebook,Twitter and Instagram are top social media platforms and below posts appears different buttons that are there to complement communication among users. You could be using a button for the wrong reasons all this time despite simple language tagged on each.

Came across a tweet of a user asking twitter to do away with the 'favourite' button because they could not figure out the button's use on the media. Well, just to remind you what they were all created for here is a list of the buttons;



Facebook being pioneers of intense social media use, buttons on display are pretty simple to tell the use and too obvious at the same time. The like button is used if a post or photo is appealing to an individual and they basically like it. users can like content such as status updates, comments, photos, links shared by friends, and advertisements.


The Comments box lets people comment on content on your site using their Facebook profile and shows this activity to their friends in news feed. It also contains built-in moderation tools and special social relevance ranking.


The Share button lets people add a personalized message to links before sharing on their timeline, in groups, or to their friends via a Facebook message. If your app is native to iOS or Android, are better of using share Dialog on iOS



This is simply direct response to a tweet  which is different from sending someone a tweet. You can send a reply using a special button.The person you're replying to has to be following you in order for your reply to show up in their home page tweet timeline. If they are not following you, then it only shows up in their "@Connect" tab, a special page every twitterer has which contains any tweets that mention their username. Not everyone checks the @Connect tab regularly, though, so they might  miss it.


The button is used when you choose to share someone else's status with all of your followers. You can use built-in Retweet feature or manually Retweet content by copying and pasting it into a new Tweet of your own.  Once you click on retweet and there is no option to edit, the former is easier to refer to content from a different twitter user.


Many relate 'favourite' to Facebook's like button and some actually don't know why in the world twitter had to put it there. Well, favourite button has more than just one use…you can use the favourite button as sarcasm twitter users will favourite a status to make their annoyance known equivalent to sarcasm applause. The other use is as bookmark to keep it safe for a rainy day or rather as a note to yourself. Twitter users also use the button to trigger some sort of conversation online.


The button comes with plenty of options that  could either mean you sharing a post through Direct Message or email. There is also an option to report or block a post or even mute a tweeter user.


Many don't really get the twist around the term double tap. Most of the insta users double click the like button. Double tap is as simple as tapping twice on the photo. The other button is conversation.

There you have it so now. You don't have to ask social media operators to discard buttons.