Samsung has called for greater openness and collaboration across industries to unlock the infinite possibilities of the Internet of Things (IoT).  Terming it as the internet of people, CEO Samsung Electronics Boo-Keun Yoon related the internet to people who are the center of their own technology universe and the internet constantly adapts and changes shape as people move through the world.

The electronics company has aired the intention at the ongoing International  Consumer Electronics  Show (CES) as part of Samsung realizing the IoT era as Mr. Yoon announced a timetable for making Samsung technology IoT enabled by 2017.

Citing the importance of developers building IoT devices, the company will invest over US$100 million in its developer community in 2015 by strengthening its accelerator programs and further expanding its international developer events in the breath of making all Samsung hardware IoT ready, further accelerating the expansion of IoT devices available in the market.

Expanding IoT Devices and Component

In the IoT era, sensors become even more advanced and precise, and key components become ever more compact and highly energy efficient.

Samsung's advanced sensors, are precise enough to understand a person's surrounding environment and offer the right solution or service. For example, Samsung is developing a new three-dimensional range sensor that can detect the tiniest movements.

The company is also working on chips, such as the embedded package on package (ePOP) and the Bio-Processor, which are energy-efficient and compact enough to go into a wide range of devices, especially wearables and mobile devices.

Samsung already has a broad range of IoT devices. Last year, Samsung delivered more than 665 million products, and this number is set to increase. According to Mr. Yoon the company begun to unlock the value hidden in connected devices and all the everyday objects around us.

However, for the Internet of Things to be a success, it has to be open in the sense that any device from any platform must be able to connect and communicate with one another. The smartThings ecosystem is now compatible with more devices than any other platform.

For IoT to succeed, companies across all industries will have to collaborate to build the necessary infrastructure and develop the many tailored IoT services that can meet the needs of consumers.