Samsung Electronics East Africa has rolled out the first Solar Powered Internet School (SPIS) in Kajiado, Kenya in a quest to improve the quality of education provision by ameliorating scarcity in the provision of learning material as well as access to information, communication and technologies (ICTs).

Having set up the system at Arap Moi Primary School, in Kajiado county, the move is to complement the efforts by the Ministry of Education, science and Technology in the implementation of ICT integration in primary schools. This is in line with Samsung's global vision of strengthening the minds and fostering the creativity of young people as well as a holistic effort on education transformation in Africa.

The SPIS is a 40-foot shipping container that Samsung equips with 24 Samsung Laptops plus one for the teacher, a multi-purpose Samsung printer, a 50-inch electronic board, a server, internet access and the solar panels. The equipment optimized for use in a solar-powered environment will serve 9 other nearby schools, namely-Kiserian, Nakel, Naro Moru, Nkoroi, Ole Kasasi, Oloosurutia, Olteyian and Rongai Primary schools.

The e-board allows for cross group collaboration between and among educators and learners across geographical boundaries. It can run video conferencing, access the internet, and connect to computers in the containers all simultaneously providing interactive learning and teaching experience for both the educators and learners.

Samsung has gone ahead to partner Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) and Safaricom to pre-install content on the computers and provision of internet to the SPIS to facilitate connectivity to the world of information and research respectively.