Intel She Will Connect program, is Intel's product dedicated to close the digital gender gap globally starting with Africa by connecting women and girls to the world of opportunity through technology in the upcoming World Economic Forum (WEF) taking place in Nigeria between 7th and 9th May, 2014.

In collaboration with Rockefeller, Intel will use the World Economic Program as a perfect platform to boost She Will Connect Program which has been motivated by the deteriorating number of Women with technological connection which according to the Web report, 25% fewer women are online than men in developing countries while 43% fewer women are online than men in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Young women will have the opportunity to acquire and improve digital literacy skills and expand their understanding use of technology so that they can connect to health, government, and educational information, economic opportunities and gender specific resources. They will be exposed to innovative combination of digital literacy training, an online peer network and gender relevant content.

Rockefeller will connect those trained through the program to employment opportunities in the Digital Jobs Africa a Rockefeller foundation initiative launched in 2013. Both parties see great alignment between the Rockefeller Foundation's Digital Jobs Africa initiative and She Will Connect.