Tuesday 30 September 2014

[New post] How Asus Transformer Book T100 feels

admin posted: "From time to time I take a walk to some big supermarket or mall just to acquaint myself with what's latest in the TV, music system, computer and smartphone worlds, and that's how three Fridays ago I found myself idling at TRM Text Book Center to window sh"

[New post] Intel® she will connect brings job opportunities to kenyan women

Winfred Kuria posted: "  45% fewer women than men are online in sub-Saharan Africa, representing 200 million fewer women than men online today in the developing world Women perform 60% of the world's work, produce 50% food but earn 10% of the income, own 1% assets Ther"

[New post] I hope Kenya won’t ask for an extension of the global digital migration deadline

Odipo Riaga posted: "Sometimes it is better to listen to industry insiders, even when what they say might seem as pure speculation. One such industry insider from the media industry hinted to me that Kenya, specifically the big media houses in Kenya, are keen to ensure that t"

Monday 29 September 2014

[New post] Visa launches card security campaign for Kenyans

Winfred Kuria posted: "The little chip that sits on the left side of your Visa card has made the world of electronic payments more secure and faster by providing three key safeguards: storing information, processing information and performing cryptographic processing much like "

[New post] The future of online advertisement in Africa

Winfred Kuria posted: ""College drop-out rakes in millions from advertising in Kenya" came across the headline while skimming through the dailies. Yes, this would have been ridiculous 10 years ago where advertising was not a source of income you could survive on save for the me"