Monday 30 June 2014

[New post] Reduction of smartphone prices to employ wide public service reach.

Winfred Kuria posted: "Since Semptember 2013, the mobile handset market has experienced a 20 per cent drop in sales after the government re-introduced Value Added Tax on handsets and other electronic devices to curb purchase of cheaper counterfeit phones. Now, the same governm"

[New post] Communications Authority Extends its services across Counties amid Stringent regulations.

Winfred Kuria posted: "Communications Authority of Kenya has now established offices in Kisumu and Nyeri counties in a bid to take services closer to Kenyans as well as have the public contribute to the betterment of the body. This comes after an announcement by the Director Ge"

[New post] GSMA announces Mhealth partnership across sub-saharan Africa.

Winfred Kuria posted: "GSMA has announced the launch of a new cross-ecosystem partnership through its Mobile for Development mHealth programme designed to provide a range of mHealth services to women and children with a particular focus on nutrition across Sub-Saharan Africa. "

Saturday 28 June 2014

[New post] From CCK to CA not K

Odipo Riaga posted: "Since the beginning of the year CCK has been transforming from a Commission to an Authority. The difference between a commission and an authority is not just a matter of semantics; but semantic wise an authority has the sense of power, strength, command a"

Friday 27 June 2014

[New post] Barbeque at home with LG’s LightWave Technology Microwave.

Winfred Kuria posted: "No more "Nyama choma" hunts thanks to LG's World's 1st microwave ovens with the revolutionized charcoal lighting heater suitable for the diverse cooking. Barbeque party holders can now use the LightWave technology to roast goat ribs at their home's comfor"

[New post] New Satellite set to be launched in Africa.

Winfred Kuria posted: "Satellite operator Yahsat has announced plans underway to extend Yahclick's broadband internet to Africa. Extending Ka-band coverage across Africa will mean coverage in 17 more countries and 600 million users. The project to be rolled out in 2016 will st"

Thursday 26 June 2014


Winfred Kuria posted: "Hitachi Data Systems Corporation (HDS) today announced exciting new technology dubbed "Continuous Cloud Infrastructure" to accelerate customer success with Business Defined IT- a closer linking of a company's business and technology objectives that demand"

[New post] Business Daily readers to get e-paper version at no cost.

Winfred Kuria posted: "Barely one year after Nation Media Group partnered Safaricom for an application to allow its readers access the Daily Nation through mobile devices, BusinessDaily has launched the e-paper available for smartphones and tablets. Readers will be required to"