Following a project worth ksh200 million by Nakuru county's government to roll out internet to the town's residents covering a radius of 10 kilometers from the headquarters, the county assembly's committee has launched investigations to determine whether funds were spent on the connectivity project without approval.

The committee will clarify on whether the county government had spent any funds on the initiative which was not among projects approved by the assembly.  "We want to know how much has been spent so far, how the Internet is being administered and who is doing what. Who is implementing the project and the current status of the network," Quoted the business daily.

Since its launch of the free internet, residents have had delayed connectivity denying them easy access. The committee also looks to enquire on the amount of money spent so far in the project, how the internet is being administered and the different roles taken in the project.

The project leaders however term the initiative a national government project and that no money from the county accounts was spent. The government gave a proposal to the county government to have the town as the pilot town and they accepted.

The project will be revamped by involving experts in Canada who have installed free Wi-Fi in several towns in the world.