Households consuming 200 kilowatt (kWh) of electricity this month will pay at least sh4,712.5 up from the sh4,302.3 they would have paid based on the current tariffs. This will be effective when the second phase of the billing structure that the energy sector regulator set late last year comes into force.

The new tariffs will raise Kenyans' household monthly bills by upto 10 per cent. Commercial entities will also be part of the big pinch with them paying upto sh360,249, 10 per cent higher. The move is linked to the planned increase in the fixed charge-payable regardless of consumption levels which account for half of the monthly power costs.

According to the businessdaily, the new tariffs will remain in place until July next year when the energy charge is expected to drop marginally for the various categories of consumers. Fixed charges will either remain unchanged or rise further for industrial firms.

The steep escalation comes in the wake of failed national grid of about 140 megawatts of cheap geothermal power this month that had inspired the promise of cheaper power. Transport and electricity are key concerns in the country at least according to analysts making it harder for the common mwananchi who will pay ksh150 more per month.